Lab 05 due Thu, Oct 7 at 11:59pm
HW 03 due Wed, Oct 13 at 11:59p
Week 08 prepare
Ed Discussion for today’s class: https://edstem.org/us/courses/8027/discussion/689010
UConn Sports Analytics Conference - October 9 - Cost is $5 for students. - Go to statds.org/events/ucsas2021 for more information
HackDuke Code for Good - October 23 - 24
See Gradescope for grading and feedback on Exam 01. Solutions available on Sakai.
Mid-semester grades are available on DukeHub. Grades were calculated using the formula below and letter grade thresholds in the syllabus.
#Note: all averages rescaled to be out of 100 points
Total_Points <-
Mean(HW01, HW02) * 0.25 +
Mean(Lab01, Lab02, Lab03, Lab04) * 0.15 +
Exam01 * 0.175 +
Sum(PrepQuiz01, PreqQuiz02, PrepQuiz03)/15 * 0.05 +
Mean(AE06 - AE11) * 0.025
Grade <- Total_Points / (0.25 + 0.15 + 0.175 + 0.05 +0.025)
Go to the ae-14-[GITHUB USERNAME]
rep in the GitHub course organization: https://github.com/sta199-fa21-003
Access the RStudio Docker containers at https://vm-manage.oit.duke.edu/containers
See the Lab 01 instructions for details on cloning the repo and starting a new project in RStudio.
Instructions available at sta199-fa21-003.netlify.app/project